HOW TO CONTACT MY SENATOR? This link will help you find your State Senator. ACT FAST. When bills are considered controversial, but only impact a few people (like 12!), they are very quickly passed when the public is focused on other more public issues. This "special" amnesty grandfather canned hunt bill could be slipped through at any time ...... don't wait to call. Say "NO" to millionaire amnesty grandfather programs and demand an ethics oversight committee to find out why we have gotten to the point of enriching and legalizing 12 people who have circumvented the law. Remember: NO BILL (beginning in 1999) has ever passed in the INDIANA LEGISLATURE authorizing or legalizing these 12 canned hunt operations. They decided to invest and expand at their own financial risk .... and with the "wink wink" suport from their individual legislators. Now they are scrambling for legal cover.
It's 2007 and those canned hunt operators are back getting favors from the Mitch man and pet legislators. Will the legislature backdoor goodies for these wildlife bad boys (and gals!) .... or will they honor the Natural Resource Committee rule banning these ugly operations in Indiana? Stay tuned ...
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