Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Bad Boys are at it AGAIN! http://www.fortwayne.com/mld/fortwayne/news/local/14008277.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp Can it be? Yes, sadly. SB 87 is Extortion. Faced with only one week left to orchestrate a sweet money deal for the 15 special canned hunt operators in Indiana, Senator Jackman and Rep. Friend are back at it . The game farm owners we have been writing about - the ones who have been circumventing the Indiana legislature by supplying deer and exotics (retired zoo animals etc) for canned hunt operations are once again wheeling and dealing to either legalize these operations or force the Indiana taxpayers to give up millions of dollars as pay off money to these 15 operators. ( Those would be Hoosier dollars - intended to to operate and maintain our state natural resources.) You read that right. They are now extorting the Indiana taxpayers - beating us over the head to give these 15 guys the green light to continue to circumvent the legislature (and natural resource commissioners) or PAY THEIR CONSTITUENTS Off with OUR money! These legislators are asking Hoosiers to buy these guys out! At a cost of millions of Hoosier tax dollars... Unbelievable? You bet. Jackman, Friend, Grubb, and Guttwein are sweet talking their fellow legislators (and probably doing a bit of horsetrading and back slapping to boot!) in order to allow these canned hunt operators to continue to do business (with a grandfather clause giving them MONOPOLY status) or pay them off. WOW. No subtlety there ...... Give these 15 operators Hoosier natural resource money, or look the other way while they continue their dastardly business as usual. Call the Senate now - 1-800-382-9842 While you're at it - tell the Governor to stop these extortionist legislators - Call Governor Daniels at - (317)232-4567 Tell them NO NO NO - No canned hunts - No extortion of Hoosiers - NO SB87. These bad boy legislators are working fast at this deal - call NOW. They only have a few days left to shaft us on behalf of these 15 very, very special canned hunt operators. (P.S. It is legal to sell deer meat, deer urine, antlers and semen ...... these guys want to sell live trophy antlers on the hoof, at taxpayer expense.) Don't let them get away with this. We have better uses for our tax money.


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