How Much to Sell Shoot Antlers on the Hoof? Under 200" vs. over 200" doe genetics prices Deer & Elk Farmers Discussion Forums: Business Aspects of Deer and Elk Farming: Under 200" vs. over 200" doe genetics prices Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 05:37 pm:
LilGuy just remember that 99% of bucks end up in the shooter market. It was just discussed on another thread that most preserves feel the majority of their clients are asking for animals in the 150 to 170 range if I understand them correctly , and only a handful are asking to shoot bucks over the 200 inch mark. Now if the 150 inch and up bucks are in demand then thats all you need to start growing. Granted the bigger the better, to a certain extent and for a better margin of profit too. It's like these other guys have said find deer with the types of antlers you think you'd like to shoot if you were doing the hunting , look for antlers that stand out in a crowd of bucks to you. I myself still like the typicals just for the fact they look allot more like something one might getting hunting out in the wild , but thats just my opinion. I showed most all my friends and they all hunt a video of some just huge and well in demand bucks from another farm that I thought were just awsome as a breeder yet every single one turned their noses up and said these animals looked wierd to them and they wouldn't pay to shoot something like that , and hey to each their own right ? You certainly don't need to start with the very best , but start with good marketable genetic's and they are very affordable too. Ya sure the bigger the score the better weather it be typical or non typical but if you start with marketable animals you can work your way to where you want to be through animals sales. Just an opinion ..
Readers: There are many valuable sources for info on the shooter buck supply farming business ..... much can be found at
If you are interested in learning about this business from the suppliers and operators themselves, visit the entire site. Just thought you might like to know what sources are available to you on the internet - by the way, the emphasis above in bold is mine - for your convenience. I realize that most folks have regular day/shift jobs and don't have the time to always read thoroughly. Always best to go to the original sites if you want to know more.
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