NOT ASSIGNED TO SENATE YET HB1349 has not yet been assigned to a Senate Committee for a hearing. Call 1-800-382-9467 and ask to speak to your Senator's administrative assistant.
- Tell the Senator's assistant you do not want 12 (anonymous, unnamed ) Hoosier citizens to be given a monopoly to operate canned hunt operations in Indiana.
- No one should be grandfathered without a complete inventory of their stock and a disclosure of their hunting income during an application process. If they have nothing to hide, there should be no problem.
- Hoosiers don't like canned hunting. Not in our state.
- We have serious Hoosier issues for our legislators to address. Let an ethics oversight committee figure out why these operators continue to invest their money in this business to which the Indiana legislature has never given legislative approval.
- Why do taxpayers have to grant amnesty to these 12 business operators who have chosen to invest their money into a business which the Indiana legislature has never authorized? No bill has ever passed legalizing canned hunting in Indiana. Now "we"(regular working taxpayers) are expected to subsidize their bad choice of investment? But, seriously, folks ...
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