Check DEER FARMER SUBSIDIES Some people have not been able to retrieve subsidy info from the web. Go to proceed to the right column and go halfway down and click on "Farm Subsidy Database" - for an added chuckle, find out how much your legislators are gettting. Oh - and don't forget to check out the convicted and in prison model Hoosier deer farmer Russ Bellar - he gets extra subsides - both under his own name (conservation money, too! -$54,884.00, plus $107,193 other) and also under Palmer Family Limited Partnership (Bellar Palmer Land Co) Miami County ($18,204 Conversvation subsidies and $313,601.00 other. OH THESE POOR "DEAR"CANNED HUNT SUPPLIERS AND OPERATORS! Please don't allow the Indiana Senate sucker punch the Hoosier taxpayers the way the House did (with some slick House Reps not voting at all because of a conflict of interest with an $8.00 (eight dollar) license fee. Gee .... Call your Senator now. NO anonymous grandfather deal - and ask for an Oversight Committee for this entire grandfathering process. Are the inmates running the asylum or do taxpayers get a vote???? Maybe it's the dollars that talk and not the vote. After all, canned hunt suppliers gave $20,000 to Mitch Daniel campaign in 2004 as well as the $2,000 Bellar gave the Daniels campaign. This is public info, too.
It's 2007 and those canned hunt operators are back getting favors from the Mitch man and pet legislators. Will the legislature backdoor goodies for these wildlife bad boys (and gals!) .... or will they honor the Natural Resource Committee rule banning these ugly operations in Indiana? Stay tuned ...
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