DEER FARMER NEWS BITS From Deer & Elk Farmer’s Digest Newsletter January-February 2004 – Vol.5, Issue 1 Here are a few clips from the newsletter which can be read in its entirety at Possibly these snippets may entice you to read their entire series (available on the internet and you may also still be able to order print copies) Read on:
“When educating politicians, legislators, and bureaucrats, please keep the following points in mind: These people typically respond better to wining (sic) and dining than to bullying and threats of lawsuits.”Further on:
“In Indiana, as in other states, the premier agricultural organization is Farm Bureau. The Indiana Farm Bureau can be a significant partner with the Indiana Deer Breeders Association in achieving legislative goals. They can also help us to combat attempts by anti-hunting groups seeking to impose double fencing on our operations.”(Note to readers: In Wisconsin and some other states, the deer farmers (shoot ranch suppliers) managed to coerce the TAXPAYERS to assume the cost of double fencing for their operation! Just think about that – while we taxpayers fund, fund, and fund - the deer “farmers” who raise shooter bucks will get us to pay for their double fencing and testing costs – while they earn thousands of dollars per whitetail sold to a canned hunt operation and we, the taxpayers are left navigating around road kill deer on our highways.)
“We support legislation recognizing privately-owned cervidae production as an agricultural industry. The full benefits of traditional agriculture - production insurance, health certification, loan guarantees and expedited approval - should be extended to this industry.”(Note to readers: You betcha! They want to get in our federal and state taxpayer knickers! They certainly want those “full benefits of traditional agriculture” – while they raise elk and deer for “hunters” to shoot on canned hunt sites. Seriously – they want us to recognize them as legitimate agricultural enterprises? I grew up in a farm state. My farm didn’t sell animals to shoot for fun on the weekend.)
“We support an Indiana University livestock academic program in the Animal Science Department to focus on privately-owned cervidae.” ”We urge the privately-owned cervidae production industry, Indiana Farm Bureau, Indiana Dept of Agriculture and Indiana State University to continue to work cooperatively to address the marketing, regulatory, and research needs of the industry and state to facilitate the GROWTH OF THE INDUSTRY.”(Note to readers: Got that IU grads? They want antler enhancement – FRANKEN DEER!)
“A successful farming or ranching operation requires an entrepreneurial spirit, sophisticated planning, and SUPPORTING LEGISLATION.”
Note to readers: YUP – they just gotta’ have that supportin’ legislation – let’s not give those 12 “secret” operators a monopoly. Let’s not reward folks for turning from traditional farm products and instead, developing Franken deer with top heavy antlers for shipping and shooting. Is this the kind of “farm” business you want to support with agricultural loans, indemnity payments, and subsidies……?” Wonder where all that FARM BUREAU SUPPORT came from for these canned hunt operators and suppliers? Read on:
“ALL INDIANA DEER BREEDERS ARE STRONGLY URGED TO JOIN THEIR COUNTY FARM BUREAU NOW AND FIND OUT ABOUT THE RESOLUTION PROCESS TO OBTAIN SUPPORTIVE AGRICULTURAL POLICIES.”I have to wonder – if we build a “House of Ill Repute” in the middle of a cornfield – does that become an agribusiness – or an agricultural enterprise? Just wondering.
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